RWAs on Lendle

USDY to fuel DeFi and TradFi convergence.
4 min readNov 9, 2023

The evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi) has opened a new chapter with the integration and development of Real World Assets (RWAs). Lendle, a pioneer in non-custodial lending within the Mantle Network blockchain, stands at the forefront of this revolutionary convergence. In previous writings and communications, we have outlined different pillars that we wish to incorporate in our platform, with RWA being one of them. By strategizing to incorporate RWAs, Lendle is not only planning to expand its liquidity markets but is also crafting a vital bridge between the crypto economy and traditional financial systems.

Understanding Real World Assets

RWAs refer to tangible and intangible assets that exist outside of the blockchain. These include real estate, vehicles, commodities, and financial instruments like stocks and bonds. Unlike cryptocurrencies, which are native to the digital realm, RWAs have value recognized in the physical world and in traditional finance. The tokenization of these assets enables them to be represented digitally on a blockchain, facilitating their inclusion in DeFi platforms like Lendle.

The Convergence of Crypto and Traditional Finance through RWAs

The inclusion of RWAs in DeFi lending markets represents a pivotal point for financial innovation. By tokenizing RWAs, we can now merge the liquidity and accessibility of cryptocurrencies with the stability and familiarity of traditional assets. This serves multiple purposes: it provides cryptocurrency holders with new investment opportunities, offers conventional asset holders entry into the DeFi space, enhances the overall liquidity of the lending market, and bridges the gap between the two financial systems.

Real World Assets on Lendle

Lendle’s initiative to incorporate RWAs transforms the DeFi landscape by offering users the ability to use non-crypto, tokenized collateral. This diversification means that users can borrow against assets they already own, potentially lowering the entry barriers for new users who hold value in traditional forms but are yet to enter the cryptocurrency market. Moreover, RWAs on Lendle will be subject to rigorous assessment and valuation processes, which mitigates risk for all parties involved.

A prime example of RWA integration could be made with Treasury bills (T-bills), which in traditional finance (TradFi) are usually considered a low-risk investment with guaranteed returns upon maturity. When these are brought into the DeFi space, the yield from T-bills can be compounded with the interest rates offered through Lendle’s lending protocol. This creates a dual-yield system where investors benefit from both the stable returns of government-backed securities and the dynamic interest rates of the DeFi lending market.

Moreover, this synergy between TradFi and DeFi allows for sophisticated financial strategies that were previously unattainable. For instance, investors can leverage the predictability of T-bills to offset the volatility of crypto investments. They can also use T-bills as a hedge within their broader investment portfolio, balancing higher-risk crypto assets with the safety of government securities.

In the broader context, the introduction of RWAs such as T-bills could attract institutional investors to the DeFi space, given their familiarity with these assets and their need for regulated, and more secure investments. This could significantly increase the total value locked in DeFi, providing a more robust liquidity pool and enhancing the market’s stability.

$USDY: Lendle’s first step

In regards to blending TradFi and DeFi, Lendle will soon introduce the $USDY token by Ondo Finance to its platform, which will add a new dimension to the financial strategies available. $USDY is a tokenized note, underpinned by short-term US Treasuries and bank demand deposits, designed to merge the benefits of a stablecoin with the consistent yield of dollar-denominated assets.

This integration allows investors on Lendle to collateralize, supply, and borrow these tokenized notes, thereby unlocking novel financial strategies. By leveraging the inherent yield from assets like T-bills, which $USDY represents, and stacking it atop the interest accrued through Lendle’s markets and $LEND token, investors can optimize their earnings in a way previously unattainable. For more detailed info on $USDY, check out

By enabling the seamless connection of value between the physical and digital realms, Lendle is not just broadening its own horizons; it is pioneering a future where the distinction between TradFi and DeFi becomes indistinguishable, paving the way for an unprecedented era of financial innovation and inclusion.

A new paradigm in lending markets.

The symbiosis of RWAs with the DeFi sector promises a more inclusive, versatile, and robust financial ecosystem. Lendle’s strategic approach in adopting RWAs, of which $USDY is the first, signifies a step towards a more interconnected financial future, where the lines between traditional and crypto finance are not just blurred, but harmonized. As we progress, Lendle will continue to explore new asset classes, ensuring that our platform remains at the cutting edge of financial innovation.

In the upcoming phases, Lendle’s journey with RWAs will likely redefine the paradigms of lending and borrowing. By championing the integration of the physical and digital worlds, Lendle is not just a participant in the DeFi space — it is a trailblazer, setting the pace for a future where finance is truly borderless, decentralized, and accessible to all.

